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Monday, 16 May
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
Utilising Data for Better Policies Workshop (Part 1)
As a pre-event to the ITF Summit, this workshop will touch upon one of the most crucial topics for sustainable transport: Utilising Data for Better Policies. Measuring transport emission data is key to identifying appropriate actions and ultimately making transport more climate-friendly. However, data availability is one of the biggest challenges for evidence-based decision-making and evaluating outcomes of actions.
Tuesday, 17 May
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
Utilising Data for Better Policies Workshop (Part 2)
More information coming soon.
International Transport Forum, European Commission, European Conference of Transport Research Institutes, US Transportation Research Board & World Conference on Transport Research Society
- location_on Off-site
Pre-Summit Research Day: Transport for Inclusive Societies
International Transport Forum, European Commission, European Conference of Transport Research Institutes, US Transportation Research Board & World Conference on Transport Research SocietyII
The International Transport Forum (ITF), together with the European Commission (EC), the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the US Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), are pleased to announce the holding of a Pre-Summit Research Day on Transport for Inclusive Societies.
Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative / GIZ
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
TUMI's Women Mobilize Women
Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative / GIZTT
TUMI’s Women Mobilize Women (WMW) initiative advocates for women to be at the centre of a just mobility transition. WMW removes the daily mobility barriers through leveraging upon strong feminist development policy to be the leading global initiative for women in mobility. We work with transport users and workers to improve access to and the experience of mobility to protect their livelihood and increase the presence of women in the transport sector.
Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative / GIZ
- location_on Off-site
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TUMI2022 Conference: Transforming Transport Infrastructure
Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative / GIZTT
TUMI Conference will build on Germany’s G7 presidency and engagement on the topic of sustainable infrastructure and put a spotlight on the importance of achieving a sustainable mobility infrastructure transformation.
For more information:
Asian Development Bank
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
PIARC's Biannual Advisory Group Meeting
PIARC’s biannual Advisory Group meeting
The Advisory Group is designed to provide an opportunity for PIARC and its road and transport partner organisations to discuss strategic issues, getting access to high-level policy expertise on emerging topics as well as sharing news and identify opportunities for collaboration actions.
At PIARC, we are very much aware that roads need to find their place in a larger context, in a holistic approach, that all transport modes are connected, and that the road sector can learn from other sectors.
BMW 1 and 2 Series
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- location_on Off-site
Tour of BMW Group Plant, Leipzig
BMW 1 and 2 SeriesBB
The BMW Group Plant Leipzig is one of the most modern and sustainable car factories in the world. Since March 2005, BMW automobiles have been produced here for customers all over the world. More than 1000 BMW 1 and 2 Series roll off the assembly line every day Since September 2013, the fully electric BMW i3 has also been produced with a body made of the innovative lightweight material carbon. Four wind turbines specially installed on the plant site supply green electricity to produce these vehicles. Discover the fascination of production at the BMW Group Plant Leipzig!
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- location_on Off-site
Walking tour of Leipzig
One day prior to the official start of the Summit, delegates present in Leipzig are invited to a guided tour through the historical centre of the city. Leipzig has a great deal to offer and a walking tour through the historic centre is the best way to discover its most famous sights. After a walk in the old town, participants are offered a breath-taking view over the city from the Panorama Tower.
Wednesday, 18 May
Morning Briefing for Journalists
A short briefing for accredited journalists to help you plan the das. ITF head of Communication Michael Kloth will update you on particular highlights, inform you of any changes to the programme and answer logistical and other questions.
Official Opening and Launch of the TUMI E-Bus Mission Campaign
At 18th of May the TUMI E-Bus Mission global campaign will be launched at the ITF exhibition site. An electric bus provided by LVB will be painted by the Mexican artist Sofia Castellanos with the symbols of the 20 Deep Dive Cities of the TUMI E-Bus Mission. The event will be opened by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Colombian Transport Minister Ángela María Orozco Gómez.
Towards green vehicles and beyond! How the EU's taxonomy could reach beyond vehicles
Kapsch KK
The taxonomy regulation is not 100% in sync with EU transport policy. The Eurovignette directive, the TEN-T regulation, sustainable urban mobility plans and the EU Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy are very much about managing traffic to make road transport sustainable. The Taxonomy regulation could do more to encourage investment in smart transport.
Everyone included: tackling the digital gap
The panel will consider the types of policies needed to ensure the digitalisation of transport is not leaving underserved and underbanked communities behind. It will examine how policy can promote education and development of digital skills so that all segments of society can use the latest mobility technologies. Finally, it will try to answer how technology can help people with disabilities and older people have better access to mobility systems, while also reducing the need for travel.
Bringing everyone aboard: fostering access for all
Mobility is essential to our way of life. It enables us to get to work, visit friends and family, and access healthcare, education and other essential services. Providing easy access to mobility for all is crucial to establishing a more robust and equitable economy. While many people take the ability to travel between places for granted, this is not the case for everyone. Access to transport can be problematic for people living in less developed regions or areas, people with physical challenges, elderly groups, and even women in some parts of the world.
The World Bank & German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Launch of UN Road Safety Fund Report "Making an impact: safer roads, improved lives"
Get a first look at the latest UN Road Safety Fund report “Making an impact: safer roads, improved lives”. Join the Head of the Fund in conversation with the Fund’s leading public and private sector and civil society partners to hear how they are improving road safety, creating a better quality of life for transport users in low- and middle-income countries worldwide. Learn about the latest innovative transport solutions used to deliver on global commitments towards a safer and more liveable future.
Closing the global transport infrastructure investment gap: A booster for more inclusive societies and a climate friendly future
The World Bank & German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)TT
Sustainable Transport can be an engine for economic prosperity and inclusive societies and is an essential element toward reaching the Paris Climate Agreement. Yet, investment in the sector is lagging: It is estimated that governments globally face an annual transport infrastructure financing gap of US$244 to US$944 billion through 2030. Emerging and developing countries face rapidly growing demand for transport infrastructure, while OECD+ countries must replace substantial parts of their ageing transport infrastructure in the coming decade.
Stop the crash: Demonstration of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) and motorcycle ABS
In this demo event, expert drivers with their passengers will demonstrate how technology can protect pedestrians and how motorcycle ABS can help avoid crashes. Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) systems automatically apply the brakes if the driver does not react in time to avoid a crash. Motorcycle anti-lock braking systems (ABS) increase motorcycle stability and reduce stopping distance.
Urban Living Lab Center & World Resources Institute
Ministers' Roundtable
- lock_open Restricted participation
Making the links: promoting supply chain access
The session will explore how well-connected and well-maintained infrastructure, inter-modality and vehicle technology can improve efficiency, reduce emissions and promote supply chain access. It will look into how aviation, maritime and long-distance road transport relate to a more centralised supply chain and 3D printing. In terms of policy, it will analyse the role of governments in developing policies to minimise cyberattack risks in the freight sector and in ensuring goods are accessible to society without disruptions.
What is needed and how to get there: Zero carbon transport pathways and projects in action to reduce emissions
Urban Living Lab Center & World Resources InstituteUU
Recent scenarios on the land transport sector’s role in meeting the Paris climate agreement goals of a 1.5-degree rise in temperatures show that the world needs to rapidly scale up electric vehicles while also shifting global vehicle travel from its current trend, particularly in the next ten years. The first part of this session will focus on understanding recent research on how much modal shift and electrification is needed and by when, and how to connect with health and equity in the transport-climate agenda.
Meeting the road safety challenge: Halving the deaths and injuries by 2030
Ministers' RoundtableMM
All countries are facing the persistent challenge of road crashes and their consequences. Around 1.35 million people are killed every year, and dozens of millions are severely injured in on-road crashes. The impact of the COVID pandemic on road safety has been mixed across countries and regions. The reduction in fatalities has been weaker than the reduction in traffic, and in some countries the number of fatalities has increased substantially as the recovery has taken place. There is, therefore, a need for a renewed focus on safety policies.
ITF in Focus: ITF Transport Outlook 2023
The ITF Transport Outlook is published every two years and provides an overview of current trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level. The work is based on the ITF in-house transport models. It presents long-term projections for transport demand for freight and passenger transport as well as related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions under alternative policy scenarios.
Presenting the FIA and ITF Disabled Motoring website
Over 1 billion people in the world live with some form of disability. Huge numbers of them need or want to travel by car. Yet disabled travellers often face problems finding answers to simple questions: “Am I allowed to drive here?”, “Where can I park?”, “Can I rent a car?”
Rolls-Royce & Shell
Sustainable aviation fuel for all: Harnessing public-private partnerships to deliver the economic benefit of net zero flight
Rolls-Royce & Shell RR
Aviation underpins global trade, but GHG emissions are rising. Decarbonisation of aviation will require global provision and use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). To succeed, the world will need a huge ramp-up in SAF production and accelerated deployment of ecosystems in every country that welcomes aviation, offering the potential to unlock innovation and job creation for local communities.
Stop the crash: VIP demonstration of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) and motorcycle ABS
In this VIP demo event, expert drivers with their VIP passengers will demonstrate how technology can protect pedestrians and how motorcycle ABS can help avoid crashes. Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) systems automatically apply the brakes if the driver does not react in time to avoid a crash. Motorcycle anti-lock braking systems (ABS) increase motorcycle stability and reduce stopping distance.
Stop the crash: Demonstration of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) and motorcycle ABS
In this demo event, expert drivers with their passengers will demonstrate how technology can protect pedestrians and how motorcycle ABS can help avoid crashes. Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) systems automatically apply the brakes if the driver does not react in time to avoid a crash. Motorcycle anti-lock braking systems (ABS) increase motorcycle stability and reduce stopping distance.
Summit Opening Press Conference and presentation of the ITF Gender Analysis Toolkit for Transport
Hear about the agenda of the 2022 Summit of transport ministers and its topic, “Transport for Inclusive Societies”. Mohammed ABDELJALIL, Minister of Transport and Logistics of Morocco, the Summit presidency; Mr Volker WISSING, Federal Minister of Digital Infrastructure and Transport of Germany, the Summit host country, and ITF Secretary-General Young Tae KIM will brief you.
Press conference: Call to Action on War in Ukraine
A group of Ministers from like-minded ITF Member countries present a Call to Action on the war in Ukraine. They will also brief media on next steps Ministers will discuss at a special Ministerial Roundtable on the war in Ukraine on Thursday morning.
Grant SHAPPS, Secretary of State for Transport, United Kingdom
Volker WISSING, Federal Minister for Digital Infrastructure and Transport, Germany
Pete BUTTIGIEG, Secretary of Transportation, United States
Oleksandr KUBRAKOV, Minister of Infrastructure, Ukraine (by video)
Transport as a catalyst for inclusive societies
Opening PlenaryOO
The Opening Plenary will address what inclusion means beyond the transport sector. Using the wider principles of inclusion as a starting point, it will dive into the role of transport in providing equal access to social and economic activities for all, promoting equity and sustainable economic growth. It will also explore the types of policies necessary to ensure environmentally sustainable and equitable distribution of goods due to increase in e-commerce worldwide.
VIP exhibition walk-around
Ministers and VIPs will visit the Summit exhibition and follow demonstrations on various stands in the exhibition area on Level +1 in Congress Center Leipzig. Multiple photo ops and possibility for statements from VIPs.
Request an on-site media accreditation
Stop the crash: Demonstration of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) and motorcycle ABS
In this demo event, expert drivers with their passengers will demonstrate how technology can protect pedestrians and how motorcycle ABS can help avoid crashes. Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) systems automatically apply the brakes if the driver does not react in time to avoid a crash. Motorcycle anti-lock braking systems (ABS) increase motorcycle stability and reduce stopping distance.
World Economic Forum’s Global New Mobility Coalition
Are we ready: Benchmarks for inclusive and sustainable urban mobility
World Economic Forum’s Global New Mobility CoalitionWW
We must accelerate the transition to an urban mobility ecosystem that has 1.6 fewer cars, 3,900 less Mt CO2, takes 75% less public space, costs 40% less to use, and enable a better integrated affordable and just mobility ecosystem. Context-based approaches are crucial to driving the transition to shared and decarbonized urban mobility for everyone, in an inclusive manner.
Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport
Saxony's paths to the public transport future
Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and TransportSS
Saxony has a long tradition in transportation research and development. Today, digital solutions are the focus of activities. A simulator for training streetcar drivers, autonomous vehicles for public bus transport and digital solutions for railroad systems will be presented.
Transport Innovation Talks
Ministers' Roundtable
- lock_open Restricted participation
Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) & Johns Hopkins University International Injury Research Unit
Powering inclusive innovation: the role of transport
Transport Innovation TalksTT
Mobility can be classed as a basic human need, providing access to family, healthcare, jobs and basic services. This session will feature a number of inspiring presentations from leading thinkers to showcase examples of how products and services can help achieve more inclusive transport and improve the mobility needs of people with disabilities, the elderly and other vulnerable groups in our societies.
Bringing the goods to the people: efficient and sustainable delivery in and around the city
The world population has boomed and transitioned from rural humankind to a predominantly urban one over the past century. While bringing people and activity together, urbanisation has also created geographical barriers between urban, peri-urban and rural areas, each putting people further away from the production of goods.
The future of supply chains: Innovation and regulation for greener, more accessible freight transport
Ministers' RoundtableMM
COVID-19 and measures related to the pandemic, such as lockdowns and border closures, have disrupted global supply chains. As such, they revealed the lack of resilience in freight transport networks: transit times have increased, schedule reliability has slipped, shipping costs have more than quadrupled and key transport nodes have become congested.
Implementing the Global Plan: Second decade of action for road safety: Capacity building, monitoring and research and the roles of non-state actors
Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) & Johns Hopkins University International Injury Research UnitGG
Panel 1: Critical need to build the capacity of road safety professionals to enable effective ‘safe system’ based road safety programmes.
Panel 2: Session 2: Non-state actors, their shared responsibility in the implementation of the Global Plan.
BMW 1 and 2 Series
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- location_on Off-site
Tour of BMW Group Plant, Leipzig
BMW 1 and 2 SeriesBB
The BMW Group Plant Leipzig is one of the most modern and sustainable car factories in the world. Since March 2005, BMW automobiles have been produced here for customers all over the world. More than 1000 BMW 1 and 2 Series roll off the assembly line every day Since September 2013, the fully electric BMW i3 has also been produced with a body made of the innovative lightweight material carbon. Four wind turbines specially installed on the plant site supply green electricity to produce these vehicles. Discover the fascination of production at the BMW Group Plant Leipzig!
Why the European Commission's proposed deregulation of Public Transport is flawed
Local public transport offers a real alternative to the private car. This works because public transport authorities orchestrate and subsidise integrated multimodal networks. Now, the European Commission wants to soften up the legal framework on which public transport authorities rely and allow new operators to provide the same services. But deregulated bus markets will lead to fragmented services that serve mostly the profitable routes and peak hours, while neglecting whole areas and times of the day. The result will be a lower share of public transport, not a higher one.
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
Location: BK 2
- lock_open Restricted participation
The Netherlands & Calstart
- location_on Off-site
Zero-Emission Trucks: keep them rolling, signing of the Global MoU on ZE-MHDV by Portugal
The Netherlands & CalstartTT
At this event Portugal will sign the Global MoU on zero emission trucking and new endorsers will be announced. This signifies the ongoing momentum for an accelerated transition to zero emission trucking. This open event will share the views of leading public and private actors in this transition, while highlighting the opportunities and benefits of a fast transition to ZE trucks building on the existing readiness and commitments and the momentum the Global MoU for ZE-MHDV has provided.
Hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco
Presidency Reception
Hosted by the Kingdom of MoroccoHH
The Presidency Reception is the opening networking event for all Summit participants.
- how_to_reg Booking required
- location_on Off-site
Tour of DHL Hub, Leipzig
Officially opened for operations in May 2008, the DHL Hub Leipzig is DHL’s major European hub, offering myriad direct connections to the growing markets in Eastern Europe and Asia. DHL invested a total of EUR 655 million in the construction of the hub, which comprises 87.000 m² of operations facilities and a further 602.000m² for the fleet.
- how_to_reg Booking required
- location_on Off-site
Tour of DHL Hub, Leipzig
Officially opened for operations in May 2008, the DHL Hub Leipzig is DHL’s major European hub, offering myriad direct connections to the growing markets in Eastern Europe and Asia. DHL invested a total of EUR 655 million in the construction of the hub, which comprises 87.000 m² of operations facilities and a further 602.000m² for the fleet.
Thursday, 19 May
Ministers' Roundtable
- lock_open Restricted participation
Global Transport and the War in Ukraine
Ministers' RoundtableMM
Opening remarks:
- Dr Young Tae Kim, Secretary-General, International Transport Forum
- Mr Andrzej Adamczyk, Minister of Infrastructure, Poland
- Mr Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister of Infrastructure, Ukraine
ITF Ministers’ Roundtable interventions and discussion:
Morning Briefing for Journalists
A short on-site briefing for accredited journalists to help you plan your Summit day ITF Head of Communications Michael Kloth will update you on particular highlights, inform you of any changes to the programme and answer logistical and other questions.
Inter-American Development Bank, World Economic Forum & Microsoft
Closing the gap: leveraging technology for inclusive and sustainable transport systems in emerging economies
Inter-American Development Bank, World Economic Forum & MicrosoftII
The session will cover challenges, best practices, and lessons learned in promoting inclusive and sustainable transport systems in emerging economies, by leveraging the opportunities brought by the digital revolution. Specifically, the panel discussion will cover the benefits of digital transformation to improve urban mobility, air transportation and logistics in emerging economies.
Alstom, PTV Group & Uber
BMW i3 production
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- location_on Off-site
Embracing digital technologies for more inclusive, sustainable, multimodal transport
Alstom, PTV Group & Uber AA
Since the start of the 21st century, an explosion of new technologies has dramatically changed the way people move about cities. From rideshare services and microtransit to carsharing, bikesharing complementing public transport networks, and transport journey and service planning, residents and visitors of cities around the world can now choose from an array of alternatives to driving a car.
Tour of BMW Group Plant, Leipzig
BMW i3 productionBB
The BMW Group Plant Leipzig is one of the most modern and sustainable car factories in the world. Since March 2005, BMW automobiles have been produced here for customers all over the world. More than 1000 BMW 1 and 2 Series roll off the assembly line every day Since September 2013, the fully electric BMW i3 has also been produced with a body made of the innovative lightweight material carbon. Four wind turbines specially installed on the plant site supply green electricity to produce these vehicles. Discover the fascination of production at the BMW Group Plant Leipzig!
Access to opportunity in remote and rural areas
The aim of this session is to identify the ways policymakers across sectors can cooperate to ensure that remote and rural communities have access to economic activities, education and health, as well as to highlight the responsibilities of the transport sector. The panel will discuss what policies are needed to prioritise public transport in rural and remote communities. It will also examine how air and water transport can provide access to communities without land infrastructure.
ITF in Focus: Decarbonising Transport
The transport sector contributes approximately a quarter of direct energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and it is even higher when taking into account vehicle manufacturing and infrastructure construction. The sector is also heavily dependent on oil for 92 per cent of its energy end-use, which makes it especially challenging to decarbonise.
ITF in Focus: Connectivity and inclusive growth in emerging economies: the role of regional freight transport
Transport connectivity plays a fundamental role in enabling people and firms access to regional and international markets. Better transport connectivity can increase trade volume and competitiveness of different cities and countries and reduce transport costs, thereby promoting economic growth, social integration, income distribution, and poverty reduction.
- how_to_reg Booking required
- location_on Off-site
Tour of the Porsche Plant, Leipzig
The Porsche factory in Leipzig incorporates the latest advances in car manufacturing to meet customers’ needs and expectations, where modern modular manufacturing allows flexible demand-orientated vehicle production. In close collaboration with well-established service providers, the production process can be dynamically adapted at any time to meet current requirements.
A Guide to Designing Safe Streets for More Cyclists
This event for journalists presents Safe Bicycle Lane Design Principles, a unique guidebook for city leaders who want to make their cities bicycle-friendly. The guide lays out clear principles for building high-quality cycling infrastructure, based on decades of accumulated cycling and road safety experience. Behind the guidebook is the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, the Dutch Cycling Embassy, the League of American Bicyclists, Urban Cycle Planning (Denmark), and Asplan Viak (Norway), alongside other global experts.
- lock_open Restricted participation
Ministerial Press Conference
This press conference will inform media representatives of the outcomes of the preceding closed meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers. Among others, the accession of a new ITF member country and the re-election of the ITF Secretary-General are on the agenda. The handover of the ITF presidency from Morocco (outgoing ITF Presidency 2021/22) to the United Kingdom (incoming ITF Presidency 2022/23) will also take place at this press conference. Other topics may be added to the agenda.
Open Ministerial Session
Governing for inclusion: the right framework for universal access
Open Ministerial SessionOO
The Open Ministerial will focus on the ways better regulation, improved coordination and clear roles and responsibilities among authorities at all levels of government can help promote social and economic inclusion. The speakers will debate which structures from different types of governance can help create integrated policies for more inclusive mobility.
- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
BMW i3 production
- how_to_reg Booking required
- location_on Off-site
WBCSD Transport and Mobility Pathway - Steering Committee
The event will convene WBCSD members to review on-going collaborative work and steer the upcoming deliverables and events. This is an internal governance event of WBCSD and will be closed to the public, as only WBCSD members can access.
Tour of BMW Group Plant, Leipzig
BMW i3 productionBB
The BMW Group Plant Leipzig is one of the most modern and sustainable car factories in the world. Since March 2005, BMW automobiles have been produced here for customers all over the world. More than 1000 BMW 1 and 2 Series roll off the assembly line every day Since September 2013, the fully electric BMW i3 has also been produced with a body made of the innovative lightweight material carbon. Four wind turbines specially installed on the plant site supply green electricity to produce these vehicles. Discover the fascination of production at the BMW Group Plant Leipzig!
Emergency measures on transport fuel prices and energy security
Fuel prices have rapidly increased in many regions since the war in Ukraine began, nearly doubling in Europe and the Americas. Amid growing energy security concerns, there is no end in sight to fuel price volatility.
Better collaboration for greater inclusion
The Second Plenary will consider the ways the interface of transport policies with health, housing, education, environmental and land use policies can promote communities that are more inclusive. It will address the challenges in designing integrated mobility policies that promote inclusive economic growth, while asking if inclusive mobility can be the vector to empower communities for more cross-sectoral collaboration.
OECD Berlin Centre
Putting climate neutrality on track: What works?
OECD Berlin CentreOO
Climate neutrality by the middle of the century requires a fundamental transformation of mobility. Rail transport can make a decisive contribution to this, but this requires extensive investment in rail infrastructure, digitization and intermodal networking, a CO2 price that reflects the environmental costs of emissions in road transport, and the right competitive framework. Are Germany, Austria and other OECD countries on the right track to harness the potential of rail for the transport revolution? What course does rail now need to set?
Asian Development Bank
Ministers' Roundtable
- lock_open Restricted participation
The Netherlands, CALSTART/Drive to zero, ICCT, ZEV Alliance, Germany, Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA) & World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
An invitation to the table: listening to all for better access for all
The session will explore how to ensure representation and participation of all relevant stakeholders in all stages of designing, implementing and evaluating mobility policies. It will review the most efficient methods to involve and engage diverse voices in the design of transport initiatives and measures, making them more inclusive.
Asian Transport Outlook as a common transport knowledge base for Asia and the Pacific
Asian Development Bank AA
The ADB has initiated work on the Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) to improve the knowledge base on transport in Asia and the Pacific. The ATO aims to help countries in the region to develop and implement transport policies, programs and projects. The ATO also tracks the implementation of global agreements on climate change and sustainable development in the Asian region. Apart from this, the ATO is of direct use for the planning and delivery of transport assistance by the ADB and other donors.
Regulating for inclusive access: lessons for transport from the pandemic
The panel will examine how city governments can regulate passenger and freight transport to serve citizens to create cleaner, healthier and more inclusive urban mobility after the pandemic. In particular, it will highlight the role of national governments and financing to empower cities to promote cycling, walking and public transport as well as green urban logistics, to avoid a shift back to private vehicles.
Transport and climate change: Moving forward from COP26
Ministers' RoundtableMM
The 26th session of the Conference of Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework for the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place in Glasgow in November 2021, under the Presidency of the Government of the United Kingdom. The transport sector has played an increasingly prominent role in COP meetings over the past few years and for the first time last year at COP26, it was represented at its highest level by Transport Ministers in a meeting organised by the UK COP Presidency and the UK Department for Transport.
Zero emission trucks are coming!
The Netherlands, CALSTART/Drive to zero, ICCT, ZEV Alliance, Germany, Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA) & World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)TT
How can we accelerate the uptake of zero-emission Trucks? 15 countries have committed to 100% new sales in 2040 and 30% in 2030. Why? Because trucks represent 5% of road vehicles but account for almost 30% of CO2, and they are reaching cost parity faster than previously predicted. This makes the transition not only needed but within reach: the transition to zero-emission trucks is a cost-efficient CO2 reduction strategy with high potential.
Gala Dinner
Cocktail reception from 18:00 in the exhibition area hosted by the International Transport Forum.
The Gala Dinner is a not-to-be-missed part of the Summit for all Summit participants held in the Glass Hall next to the Congress Center Leipzig.
This festive evening starts in the exhibition area with a cocktail reception before moving to the Glass Hall where the delegates are welcomed for a seated 3-course dinner in a warm and convivial atmosphere. Coffee and dessert bars are laid out as an inviting option for networking.
Friday, 20 May
High Volume Transport Programme (HVT), International Road Federation (IRF) & Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All)
Resilient transport for more resilient and inclusive societies
High Volume Transport Programme (HVT), International Road Federation (IRF) & Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All)HH
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the transport system in an unprecedented way and compelled us to go back and re-think priorities. Some countries and cities have managed the crisis with more resilience, others are seizing the opportunity to build their systems better. The session will coalesce the findings of several research projects initiated on the back of the COVID response and recovery programme by the FCDO funded High Volume Transport Applied Research (HVT) and other research.
Transport technology at the service of society
New transport technologies are set to change the transport sector rapidly; this session will explore the opportunities and challenges in their adoption. It will explore the societal benefits of the shift to electric mobility, and the policy measures needed to ensure an inclusive transition. It will explore how shared mobility, mobility as a service (MaaS) and autonomous vehicles can accelerate the adoption of technologies and facilitate efficient transport across all sectors of society.
ITF in Focus: Enhancing inclusiveness through sustainable transport - lessons from emerging economies
Several emerging economies have already pledged to achieve a net-zero emissions target in the coming decades and many others are proposing it. Reshaping the mobility systems for net-zero will require changes to how people move between and within places, and whilst solutions such as the electrification of vehicles and renewable energy will help, it is crucial that sustainable mobility is also inclusive and equitable.
All aboard: building a more diverse and equitable transport workforce
The transport workforce needs to evolve to prepare for a diverse, heavily digitalised future under increased climate change pressure. Therefore, new skills are required to develop sustainable, resilient and inclusive transport systems while focusing recruitment on all segments of the labour market, regardless of gender. To achieve such goals, the opportunities to enter and advance in the transport workforce need to be equal for all.
Inclusive planning and design for healthier cities
The Third Plenary will focus on how cities and mobility systems can be designed to include all and promote healthier lifestyles and greener cities. The panel will look into how urban spaces, infrastructure and transport systems can be made more appealing, comfortable and efficient, and the critical importance of safe and secure systems to accessibility and inclusive mobility.
Stakeholders’ Networking Lunch co-organised by ITF and UITP
- Lunchtime Session
Transport for Inclusive Societies: A Gender Perspective
Stakeholders’ Networking Lunch co-organised by ITF and UITPSS
The International Transport Forum’s (ITF) Summit is a key moment for the international transport community to discuss commitments to existing and new policy frameworks for more inclusive and sustainable transport systems. The Summit provides a unique opportunity to bring together all voices regarding inclusion in transport, notably questions related to gender equality.
- how_to_reg Booking required
- location_on Off-site
Bicycle tour with Mayor of Leipzig
The Lord Mayor of the City of Leipzig, Burkhard Jung, cordially invites the Summit delegates to join him on a cycle tour through Leipzig, where he will share his first-hand knowledge and personal views on the city. Free of charge.