ITF in Focus: Decarbonising Transport
The transport sector contributes approximately a quarter of direct energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and it is even higher when taking into account vehicle manufacturing and infrastructure construction. The sector is also heavily dependent on oil for 92 per cent of its energy end-use, which makes it especially challenging to decarbonise. The International Transport Forum (ITF) modelling scenarios show that current policy actions and plans to decarbonise transport are insufficient to meet international CO2 reduction targets, despite the importance of the transport sector to achieve climate goals.
A coordinated policy action and international co-operation to develop, deploy, and scale up existing and innovative solutions will be critical to reducing CO2 emissions in a cost-effective manner. This side event will highlight success stories of strategic and innovative ways to decarbonise and transform the transport sector, focusing on heavy-duty road freight transport, shipping and aviation. It will identify challenges and synergies in developing and developed countries across the sector, and the support necessary for the global transformation to decarbonise transport.
The ITF’s Decarbonising Transport (DT) Driving Implementation Actions project, which supports countries in their transition to low carbon transport systems and advances energy-efficient policies and technologies in the hard-to-abate transport sectors will be presented.

Herman Sips
Lead, Transport Decarbonisation Alliance
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Netherlands

Davide Amato
Head of Sector, Healthy and Clean Planet Directorate, DG Research & Innovation
European Commission

Siddharth Sinha
Officer on Special Duty to the CEO
NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India)