How can we accelerate the uptake of zero-emission Trucks? 15 countries have committed to 100% new sales in 2040 and 30% in 2030. Why? Because trucks represent 5% of road vehicles but account for almost 30% of CO2, and they are reaching cost parity faster than previously predicted. This makes the transition not only needed but within reach: the transition to zero-emission trucks is a cost-efficient CO2 reduction strategy with high potential.
Now it’s all about the how? How will we do this? Who is involved and who does what? And what can you do? Listen to the ambitions and practices of front-running actors in this field during an interactive session where you can get started on the next steps for your organisation.
Let’s get inspired and let’s get to work.
This interactive workshop will be moderated by Sita Holtslag, Europe Director, CALSTART