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Wednesday, 18 May
Everyone included: tackling the digital gap
The panel will consider the types of policies needed to ensure the digitalisation of transport is not leaving underserved and underbanked communities behind. It will examine how policy can promote education and development of digital skills so that all segments of society can use the latest mobility technologies. Finally, it will try to answer how technology can help people with disabilities and older people have better access to mobility systems, while also reducing the need for travel.
Bringing everyone aboard: fostering access for all
Mobility is essential to our way of life. It enables us to get to work, visit friends and family, and access healthcare, education and other essential services. Providing easy access to mobility for all is crucial to establishing a more robust and equitable economy. While many people take the ability to travel between places for granted, this is not the case for everyone. Access to transport can be problematic for people living in less developed regions or areas, people with physical challenges, elderly groups, and even women in some parts of the world.
ITF in Focus: ITF Transport Outlook 2023
The ITF Transport Outlook is published every two years and provides an overview of current trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level. The work is based on the ITF in-house transport models. It presents long-term projections for transport demand for freight and passenger transport as well as related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions under alternative policy scenarios.
Making the links: promoting supply chain access
The session will explore how well-connected and well-maintained infrastructure, inter-modality and vehicle technology can improve efficiency, reduce emissions and promote supply chain access. It will look into how aviation, maritime and long-distance road transport relate to a more centralised supply chain and 3D printing. In terms of policy, it will analyse the role of governments in developing policies to minimise cyberattack risks in the freight sector and in ensuring goods are accessible to society without disruptions.
Transport Innovation Talks
Bringing the goods to the people: efficient and sustainable delivery in and around the city
The world population has boomed and transitioned from rural humankind to a predominantly urban one over the past century. While bringing people and activity together, urbanisation has also created geographical barriers between urban, peri-urban and rural areas, each putting people further away from the production of goods.
Powering inclusive innovation: the role of transport
Transport Innovation TalksTT
Mobility can be classed as a basic human need, providing access to family, healthcare, jobs and basic services. This session will feature a number of inspiring presentations from leading thinkers to showcase examples of how products and services can help achieve more inclusive transport and improve the mobility needs of people with disabilities, the elderly and other vulnerable groups in our societies.
Thursday, 19 May
Access to opportunity in remote and rural areas
The aim of this session is to identify the ways policymakers across sectors can cooperate to ensure that remote and rural communities have access to economic activities, education and health, as well as to highlight the responsibilities of the transport sector. The panel will discuss what policies are needed to prioritise public transport in rural and remote communities. It will also examine how air and water transport can provide access to communities without land infrastructure.
ITF in Focus: Decarbonising Transport
The transport sector contributes approximately a quarter of direct energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and it is even higher when taking into account vehicle manufacturing and infrastructure construction. The sector is also heavily dependent on oil for 92 per cent of its energy end-use, which makes it especially challenging to decarbonise.
ITF in Focus: Connectivity and inclusive growth in emerging economies: the role of regional freight transport
Transport connectivity plays a fundamental role in enabling people and firms access to regional and international markets. Better transport connectivity can increase trade volume and competitiveness of different cities and countries and reduce transport costs, thereby promoting economic growth, social integration, income distribution, and poverty reduction.
An invitation to the table: listening to all for better access for all
The session will explore how to ensure representation and participation of all relevant stakeholders in all stages of designing, implementing and evaluating mobility policies. It will review the most efficient methods to involve and engage diverse voices in the design of transport initiatives and measures, making them more inclusive.
Regulating for inclusive access: lessons for transport from the pandemic
The panel will examine how city governments can regulate passenger and freight transport to serve citizens to create cleaner, healthier and more inclusive urban mobility after the pandemic. In particular, it will highlight the role of national governments and financing to empower cities to promote cycling, walking and public transport as well as green urban logistics, to avoid a shift back to private vehicles.
Friday, 20 May
All aboard: building a more diverse and equitable transport workforce
The transport workforce needs to evolve to prepare for a diverse, heavily digitalised future under increased climate change pressure. Therefore, new skills are required to develop sustainable, resilient and inclusive transport systems while focusing recruitment on all segments of the labour market, regardless of gender. To achieve such goals, the opportunities to enter and advance in the transport workforce need to be equal for all.
Transport technology at the service of society
New transport technologies are set to change the transport sector rapidly; this session will explore the opportunities and challenges in their adoption. It will explore the societal benefits of the shift to electric mobility, and the policy measures needed to ensure an inclusive transition. It will explore how shared mobility, mobility as a service (MaaS) and autonomous vehicles can accelerate the adoption of technologies and facilitate efficient transport across all sectors of society.
ITF in Focus: Enhancing inclusiveness through sustainable transport - lessons from emerging economies
Several emerging economies have already pledged to achieve a net-zero emissions target in the coming decades and many others are proposing it. Reshaping the mobility systems for net-zero will require changes to how people move between and within places, and whilst solutions such as the electrification of vehicles and renewable energy will help, it is crucial that sustainable mobility is also inclusive and equitable.