Full Name
Peter Cosyn
Peter Cosyn has degrees in Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering and is Geotechnical Engineer. He worked for the Belgian Railways and the Ghent University and is now Senior Project Manager at Tractebel Engineering.
He has a broad experience in the design, management and organisation of major civil engineering (railways, roads, bridges and ports) and public space projects over the entire world. He assisted both governments and private companies in complex transport projects. He was involved in major PPP projects on both the client and contractor side. He is currently involved in the building of the largest lock in the world, and several highway projects. As competence manager, he was responsible for the quality of the infrastructure design within Tractebel.
He was a lecturer in Systems Engineering at UHasselt. He works on sustainability of infrastructure projects and has a big interest in combining outstanding engineering, technological innovation, good urbanism universal design and architecture within infrastructure projects.
He is a wheelchair user and para-athlete, and works on the development of strategies, technology and tools to improve the accessibility of cities for people with disabilities. He is a member of the Accessible transportation technology committee at the Transport Research Board (TRB).