Full Name
Patrick Malléjacq
As Secretary General of PIARC (World Road Association), Patrick Malléjacq’s mission is to provide support to road administrations and professionals across the globe.
PIARC focuses on identifying and disseminating best practice between all PIARC members, including governments from 124 member countries, high income as well low- and middle-income countries. More than 20 PIARC Technical Committees are in operation, through which 1 000 international experts share knowledge on a wide range of topics, including resilience of road infrastructure and transportation systems, road safety, tunnels operations, road network operations, road and transport planning, etc. PIARC also publishes the “Routes/Roads” magazine, and operates an ambitious knowledge-sharing programme with the publication of a report per month and the organisation of a seminar every six weeks on average.
After delivering the 26th World Road Congress (Abu Dhabi, October 2019), kick-starting the 2020 - 2023 Technical Committees in 2020, and organising more than 30 online seminars on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on roads, Patrick’s current projects include supporting Committees in the organisation of virtual seminars (while the pandemic lasts) and in the early publication of knowledge products, organising the XVIth World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress, with Transport Canada and Calgary (Canada) in February 2022, preparing the return to normal, with face-to-face seminars and Congresses, and planning for the XXVIIth World Road Congress, which will take place in October 2023 in Prague (Czech Republic).
Patrick is a French civil servant (« ingenieur général des Ponts, des eaux et des forêts »). Before joining PIARC, he was instrumental in organising the Transport Research Arena conference in Paris in 2014 and in developing EUsponsored research programmes and projects at IFSTTAR-France. He held positions at SETRA-France and at the French ministry of transport, mainly on road safety and ITS issues, and led « EasyWay » implementation projects. Patrick was posted at the French Embassy in Tokyo and started his career at IGN, the French national mapping institute.