Full Name
Jos Sluijsmans
Since 2004, Jos Sluijsmans has dedicated his professional life to the promotion of the (cargo) bike, cycling, and cycle logistics as the most healthy, sustainable, inclusive and efficient mode of transport. He was a bike messenger, cycling teacher, organiser of bicycle events and debates, and consultant. In 2012 Jos organized the first Cargo Bike Festival in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. After six editions in Nijmegen the ICBF took place in Berlin in 2018, and in 2019 in the city of Groningen, and then Covid-19 hit.
In 2022 the ICBF will take place 27-29 October at Expo Haarlemmermeer near Amsterdam in cooperation with World of eMobility.
In addition to his work at ICBF, Jos was also a partner of the research projects on city logistics of the AUAS such as LEFV-LOGIC and GO ELECTRIC and he gives guest lectures on cycle logistics.
Together with Tom Parr, Jos runs RIPPL.bike, and is also a proud member of the public private network of the Dutch Cycling Embassy.
Prior to his involvement in cycling policy and advocacy Jos worked ten years as a lawyer and legal adviser and ten years as interpreter and translator. He has a master degree in European law, European Migration law and Refugee law at Radboud University Nijmegen and a master degree in Spanish at Leiden University.