Full Name
Claudia Adriazola-Steil
Claudia is the Global Urban Mobility Acting Director and the Global Health & Road Safety Program Director at the World Resources Institute. Claudia leads research, policy and project implementation in sustainable mobility including walking, cycling, mass transportation, freight, electric vehicles and urban design. Within these areas of work, she focuses on improving quality of life by improving road safety, air quality, climate change, and equity. Claudia has served in the Steering Committee in charge of organizing the Third Global Ministerial Meeting in Road Safety in Sweden 2020. Claudia has been recognized as a Remarkable Women in Transport 2019 by GIZ. Claudia has served in different managerial positions in the Peruvian Government, including National Transport Director General. Claudia is a lawyer, trained in Germany in Transport Management and in 2008 graduated with an Executive Master of Public Administration and a Master of Arts in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Public Administration at Syracuse University, New York, in the United States.