Full Name
Agustina Calatayud
Agustina Calatayud is Lead Transport Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the leading development institution for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Her work focuses on conducting applied research, structuring projects, and providing technical oversee to improve transport systems in LAC. She leads the IDB knowledge agenda on transportation and logistics. Before joining IDB in 2010, she worked in the areas of private sector development and transport planning with several international organizations (European Commission, ILO and UN); the public sector (Municipality of Turin, Italy); as well as the private sector. She holds a PhD in Mechanical and Systems Engineering from Newcastle University, UK, and Master's Degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Padua, Italy. Her research on logistics and maritime transportation received international awards from the UK Charter Institute for Transport and Logistics, Emerald Publishing, and the European Logistics Association, and has been published by scientific journals, international organizations and academia.