Young Tae Kim introduces the Pre-Summit Research Day on "Transport for Inclusive Societies"
Torsten Klimke discusses digital innovations for more sustainable and accessible transport systems
Noureddine Dib discussing inclusive transport
Young Tae Kim speaking on the role of transport policies at the Pre-Summit Research Day
Stephen Perkins discusses inclusivity during the Pre-Summit Research Day
Attendees exchange business cards at the Pre-Summit Research Day on “Transport for Inclusive Societies”
Young Tae Kim and Torsten Klimke discussing transport for inclusive societies
Philippe Crist discussing inclusive transport at the Pre-Summit Research Day
Neil Pedersen presenting on transport for inclusive societies
Neil Pedersen speaking on sustainable and accessible transport
Evangelos Bekiaris speaks on transport and inclusion during the Pre-Summit Research Day
Emmanuel Mogaji speaks on active mobility in Lagos, Nigeria
Stephen Perkins moderating the panel on sustainable and active mobility in African cities
Yana Tumakova presents "To cycle or not to cycle?" to fellow attendees
Simon Saddier discussing comparative research findings for a low-carbon future in Sub-Saharan Africa
Tim Durant speaking on promoting inclusivity, sustanability and active mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa
Emmanuel Mogaji discusses active mobility in Lagos, Nigeria at Pre-Summit Research Day
Yana Tumakova on understanding the barriers to using bicycles when commuting in Sub-Saharan Africa
Yana Tumakova presents "To cycle or not to cycle?" to fellow attendees at the Pre-Summit Research Day
Audience member questions the panel about inclusive and sustainable mobility in African citites
Yana Tumakova discusses "To cycle or not to cycle" during the Session 1 Panel
Emmaneul Mogaji presents active mobility in Lagos, Nigeria
Attendee poses a question to the speakers of "Planning for inclusive transport decarbonisation measures in European cities"
Diana Kimmer discusses gender differences in transport patterns in Budapest
Oliver Lah discusses adopting a safe system approach for decarbonised mobility
Isabel Cunha speaks about assessing the impacts of cycling accessibility distribution
Attendees of "Planning for inclusive transport decarbonisation measures in European cities" applaud speakers
Jochen Schneider delivers a speech on climate migration strategies
Diana Kimmer speaks on gender differences in transport patterns in Budapest
Jochen Schneider speaks on Climate Mitigation Strategies and Climate objectives in Urban Mobility Plans
Torsten Klimke discusses planning for inclusive transport decarbonisation measures in European cities
Danielle Bassan participates at "Planning for inclusive transport decarbonisation measures in European cities"
Neil Pedersen and Evangelos Bekiaris signing the ECTRI-TRB MoU and action plan
Neil Pedersen and Evangelos Bekiaris shake hands after signing the ECTRI-TRB MoU and action plan
Neil Pedersen and Evangelos Bekiaris in discussion at the signing of the ECTRI-TRB MoU and action plan
Attendees at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" event networkng
Atendees of the "Women Mobilizing Women" event taking a group photo
Attendees taking a group photo at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" event
Andrea San Gil León and Carolina Hidalgo in discussion with attendees at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" event
Attendees at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" comparing notes on women and mobility
Attendees at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" event discussing women and mobility
Attendees at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" event discussing improving women's access to and their experience of mobility
Attendees at TUMI’s "Women Mobilize Women" event discussing women in the transport sector
Orla McCarthy moderating the session on listening to all for better transport policies
Alemgena Araya speaking on gender inclusiveness in urban public transport in Mekelle City
Azeb Tesfaye discusses the importance of listening to all for better transport policies
Panelists gathering to discuss better transport policies for all
Alemgena Araya speaking on gender inclusiveness in urban public transport in Mekelle City
Thomas Flemming speaks on enhancing the mobility of disabled people
Joshua Paternina Blanco delivering the inclusive transport key points and conclusions
Caroline Alméras concluding the inclusive transport discussions
Alexandra König discussing the views of persons with disabilities on future mobility
Audience member takes photo at the session on transport digital innovations for more sustainable and accessible transport systems
Wataru Kobayashi making recommendations for sustainable mobility using digital data
Neil Pedersen, Wataru Kobayashi, Alexandra König and Laura Mariana Reyes Madrigal ready to discuss accessible transport systems for all
Laura Mariana Reyes Madrigal discussing the integration of walking in MaaS solutions
Neil Pedersen moderating a session on more sustainable and accessible transport systems for all
Attendees at the TUMI reception discussing the future of inclusive mobility
Attendees gather at the TUMI reception to discuss the future of inclusive mobility
Diana Kimmer discussing inclusive mobility with attendee at the TUMI reception
Attendees gather at the TUMI reception to discuss transformative urban mobility
Attendees gather at the TUMI reception to discuss the future of inclusive mobility
Diana Kimmer discussing the future of inclusive mobility with attendee at the TUMI reception
Bronwyn Thornton discussing the importance of walking at the TUMI reception