Volker Wissing and David Ward getting ready to watch the "Stop the crash" demonstration
David Ward shaking hands with Volker Wissing at the "Stop the crash" demonstration
A crash test in progress
Volker Wissing experiencing the "Stop the crash" demonstration
David Ward speaking to Volker Wissing and Young Tae Kim about Automatic Emergency Braking
Volker Wissing walking with Young Tae Kim at the "Stop the crash" demonstration
Young Tae Kim in discussion about Automatic Emergency Braking
Volker Wissing being interviewed at the "Stop the Crash" event
David Ward holding up a "Stop the crash" sign next to Young Tae Kim
Motorcycle demonstrating ABS at the "Stop the Crash" event
Young Tae Kim, Volker Wissing and David Ward in conversation