Full Name
Benacer Boulaajoul
Benacer Boulaajoul is the General Director of the new National Road Safety Agency in the Kingdom of Morocco since May 2019. In this new position, Benacer Boulaajoul leads efforts to develop a sustainable road safety strategy in collaboration with all stakeholders from public and private sectors and NGOs.
Prior to this appointment, Mr Boulaajoul served for six years as Permanent Secretary of National Committee for Prevention of Traffic Accidents (CNPAC) in Morocco, where he was responsible of Communications, Road Education and Research and Development on all topics linked to road safety. A passionate advocate for road safety at national and international levels mainly in Africa, he pushed for greater regional collaboration to establish the first African Road Safety Observatory (ARSO). Mr Boulaajoul is the Chairman of the transitional Steering Committee of ARSO.
Mr Boulaajoul is also the President of PRI since November 2015 (La Prévention Routière Internationale) a global road safety organisation created in 1959 and member of UNRSC. His prior experience includes serving as Director for Studies and Information Systems at CNPAC from 2005 to 2012 where he would have led several projects and studies on road safety in Morocco.
Mr Boulaajoul is an engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Public Management.