Full Name
Yuwei Li
Yuwei Li started his professional career as a transport engineer in 1983. After 13 years of service in the fields of inland water, maritime and road transport in various transport institutions in China, he joined UNESCAP Transport Division in March 1996 as an officer for inland water transport, and then for infrastructure, land transport facilitation and transport policy at different levels up to Director. He played a key role in the UNESCAP’s renowned products on agreements, standards, frameworks, corridor plans, tools, indicators and studies. He initiated a long-term strategy on the development of a regional integrated intermodal transport system and the sustainable urban transport index. In February 2018, he was appointed as Director of Sustainable Transport Division, UNECE, to lead services to 59 UN conventions and agreements on inland transport, including vehicle regulations, traffic rules, signs and signals, cross-border facilitation, dangerous goods, perishable foodstuffs and infrastructure networks. In addition to the intra- and inter-regional regulatory work for inland transport equivalent to a UN specialized agency, his team also supports a comprehensive Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment (THE PEP), which promotes integrated and inclusive mobility policies.